With the Help Of our Scientific Team

Accomplish Your Graduation Project

Using Our Special Lab We can Help You

Accomplish your Graduation Project

With The Help of our Scientific Team & Our Special Lab

  • Discuss & choose the research point that you will present.

  • We also provide full scientific and technical supervision and help you in implementation.

  • Of course, this is with the availability of the equipment and laboratory that you will need to complete the project.

About Integramedix Company

INTEGRAMEDIX is a company integrating medical sciences research and training. We aim to fill the gap between theory and application and to facilitate the innovative solutions with less suffering, actually with the right direction of the efforts.



Dr. El Refaey is holding a Ph.D. in molecular pharmacology from the University of Nebraska, Omaha, USA. He is a professor of pharmacology at Al-Azhar University and he is the head of the clinical pharmacy department at Batterjee Medical College (BMC) in Saudi Arabia. Dr. Elrefaey was a board member of the Pharmacology committee in the Central Administration of Pharmaceutical Affairs at the Ministry of Health in Cairo, Egypt.

 Dr. El Refaey is a peer reviewer at many international organizations and journals. He is the Deputy CEO -  and strategic director of IERS for education and research. Dr. Elrefaey is a passionate professor with a wide research experience in the clinical application of pharmacological research.